SolidWP Black Friday Deal

SolidWP Black Friday Sale
What is Black Friday?

Black Friday has become a significant event in the SaaS industry, offering a unique opportunity for businesses to attract new customers, boost revenue, and enhance customer lifetime value.

Hey, fellow WordPress fanatics! Get ready to loosen those purse strings for SolidWP’s Black Friday Bonanza – because who needs dough when your website can be rolling in savings?

Meet iThemes Security(SolidWP), the plugin that turns you into a WordPress security maestro without the stress. It’s like having a personal bouncer for your site, complete with a real-time security dashboard that’s cooler than the other side of the pillow.

But hold onto your keyboard – BackupBuddy is here, the caped crusader of website backups. No more nightmares about losing your masterpiece, BackupBuddy’s got your back, literally. Sleep tight, webmaster!

SolidWP offers a suite of powerful tools to enhance your WordPress experience, including Solid Security, Solid Backups, and Solid Central. These tools work together like a superhero team to protect your website, keep your data safe, and streamline your workflow. With SolidWP, you can rest assured that your WordPress website is in good hands.

Get ready for the Black Friday bonanza! Brace yourself for a whirlwind of incredible deals that will have your website thanking you for years to come. Don’t let these epic savings slip away – your WordPress kingdom eagerly awaits your transformation.

What is SolidWP?

iThemes Security, a robust WordPress security plugin, formerly known as Better WP Security, aims to comprehensively safeguard WordPress websites from a multitude of security threats.

Developed by iThemes, a renowned WordPress themes and plugins provider, iThemes Security tackles the diverse security vulnerabilities faced by website owners in the ever-changing digital realm.

SolidWP reinforces WordPress sites’ defenses against a wide range of potential risks, including malware intrusions, unauthorized access attempts, and various cyberattacks.

The plugin employs a multi-faceted security approach, incorporating both proactive and reactive measures to protect the integrity and functionality of WordPress websites.

A key feature of iThemes Security is its ability to conduct a thorough security audit of the WordPress website. This audit pinpoints potential vulnerabilities and suggests actions to address them. From weak passwords and outdated software to insecure file permissions, the plugin meticulously scans the site’s configuration and flags areas that demand attention.

SolidWP also includes a robust firewall system, leveraging a network of IP addresses associated with malicious activity to block potential threats. The firewall operates at the application layer, scrutinizing incoming and outgoing traffic to identify and block suspicious behavior.

This real-time protection adds an additional layer of defense, helping to prevent common attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

Another key feature of SolidWP is its capability to strengthen user authentication.

The plugin supports two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security beyond traditional username and password combinations.

By requiring a secondary form of verification, such as a code sent to a mobile device, iThemes Security significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if login credentials are compromised.

Is SolidWP worth purchasing in the Black Friday Deal?

iThemes typically offers significant discounts on SolidWP during Black Friday sales, making it an attractive time to purchase the plugin.

The exact discount percentage varies from year to year, but it’s often around 30-50% off.

Considering the comprehensive security features, ease of use, and additional benefits provided by SolidWP, the plugin offers excellent value for money, especially during Black Friday deals.

So it’s worth purchasing in Black Friday deals!

SolidWP Features

Malware Scanning

The plugin conducts regular scans for malware, ensuring that your website remains free from harmful code or software.

Database Backups

iTheme faculties automated database backups, ensuring swift restoration in case of data loss or a security incident.

Firewall Protection

iTheme Security includes a robust firewall to monitor and filter malicious traffic, enhancing the overall website security.

SSL Certificate Integration

iTheme supports SSL integration, encrypting data transfer between you and users for secure browsing.

User Role Management

Enables control over user permissions, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Dashboard Widget

Offers a handy dashboard widget summarizing your website’s security status, keeping you informed about potential threats.

Away Mode

Temporarily locks down WordPress dashboard access during specific hours, minimizing the opportunity for unauthorized access.

Strong Password Enforcement

Promotes or enforces the use of strong, complex passwords, enhancing overall login security.


What is the SolidWP Black Friday Deal?

The SolidWP Black Friday Deal is an annual sale that offers significant discounts on SolidWP’s WordPress security products.

How can I take advantage of the SolidWP Black Friday deal?

To take advantage of the SolidWP Black Friday deal, simply visit the SolidWP website during the promotion period and use the provided discount code at checkout.

What is the Money-back guarantee on buying SolidWP in this Black Friday deal?

SolidWP offers a no-hassle, 30-day money-back guarantee on all of their WordPress security products. This means that if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can simply return it for a full refund.

Where can I find more information about the sale?

You can find more information about the sale on the SolidWP website.

Is it possible to upgrade my old license with the Black Friday offer?

Yes, you can use the SolidWP Black Friday deal to renew existing licenses or purchase new ones.


The SolidWP Black Friday deal is an excellent opportunity to secure comprehensive WordPress security, backup, and management solutions at a discounted price. With up to 40% discount on all WordPress security products (except Central Monthly), this deal offers significant savings for businesses and individuals seeking to safeguard their websites.

The Solid Suite, a flagship offering by SolidWP, provides a robust solution for protecting against cyberattacks, ensuring data integrity, and streamlining site management.

Whether you’re managing a single website or a large portfolio of sites, the SolidWP Black Friday deal provides the tools and security you need to keep your WordPress sites protected and performing at their best.

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